Friday, November 4, 2011

Currently :)

So we really haven't posted in a while. Here is the last two weeks of my reading!! :D

Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood by Eileen Wood (pg. 1-269)

Nightshade by Anrea Cremer (pg. 1-441)

These two books were really really good! I loved them! Nightshade is amazing! This is what is on the inside cover.
Calla Tor has always known her destiny:
After graduating from the Mountain School, she'll be the mate of sexy alpha
wolf Ren Laroche and fight with him, side by side, ruling their
pack and guarding sacred sites for the Keepers.
But when she violates her masters' laws by saving a beautiful
human boy our for a hike, Calla begins to question her fate, her
existence, and the very essence of the world she had known. By following
her heart, she might lose everything-
including her own life. Is forbidden love worth the ultimate sacrifice?

I absolutely loved it! If your into supernatural and romance, this is the book for you! And the second book is out. It's called Wolfsbane. I heard it was really good also. I'm so excited to read it. I should be done with it Monday or Tuesday.

Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood was really good. If you like teen girl drama or teen girls seeking revenge, this is the book you want to read.
Popularity is the best revenge.

In the final weeks of eighth grade, Lauren Wood made a choice. She betrayed
her best friend, Helen, in a manner so publicly humiliating that Helen
had to move to a new town just to save face. Ditching Helen was worth it,
though, because Lauren started high school as one of the It Girls--and
now, at the start of her senior year, she's the cheerleading captain,
the quarterback's girlfriend, and the undisputed queen bee. Lauren
has everything she's ever wanted, and she has forgotten all
about her ex-best friend.

But Helen could never forget Lauren. After three years of obsessing,
she's moving back to her old town. She has a new name and a
new look, but she hasn’t dropped her old grudges. She has a detailed
plan to bring down her former BFF by taking away everything that's
ever been important to Lauren—starting with her boyfriend.

Watch out, Lauren Wood. Things are about to get bitchy.
This book was realllllly good. I usually don't use derogatory words but it was in the book cover and I wanted you to get the full Eileen Cook experience. She is a good writer and she has another book What Would Emma Do? I heard that one was good also but I haven't read it so I can't say if it is or not.

Quotes from the past two weeks:
  1. "Then there was the added factor that it would be difficult to make a bathing suit out of tiny stinky fish, and I was pretty sure you could do some heavy jail time for pushing people into shark-infested water or into the paths of speeding dump trucks. I wanted Lauren to pay, but I wasn't looking to spend the next forty to life wearing an orange jumpsuit. Orange is so not my color." Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood
  2. High schools have a social structure more strict than a Hindu caste system. By the time you get to your senior year everyone knows exactly where he or she belongs compared to everyone else. You could try to change your status—you could get a new wardrobe or take up a new sport, for example—but it would only take a few days before everyone would shove you back into the place where they felt you belonged. There might be a few people who shifted ranks, but it was highly unusual. I would have the advantage of being a new kid. No one would know exactly where to put me, but they would be trying to sort it out from the first moment they met me. Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood
  3. (I just HAD to throw this one in there. Where are you???)
    The Popularity Scale
    Attractive: Assign yourself up to 10 points, depending on your level of hotness, zero points being seriously ugly and 10 points being supermodel hot. Bonus 2 points for being fit and in shape versus merely thin. An additional 2 points for hair that looks like a shampoo ad. Minus 1 point if you flip it around way too much. Bonus 3 points for big boobs. Minus 5 points for being attractive but too slutty. Plus 1 point for good use of makeup. Minus 2 points for mild disfigurement such as bad skin, crooked teeth, or bad breath.
    Sporty: Assign yourself 5 points for general athletic ability as defined by ability to run without falling over and catching a ball without getting smacked in the face. 5 bonus points for being on key school teams such as football, cheerleading, basketball, or soccer. Minus 2 points for being on dorky teams such as archery or fencing. Bonus 2 points if you have a leadership position on a team. Minus 2 points if you never play and instead always sit on the sidelines.
    Rich: Assign yourself 10 points for being filthy rich, 5 points for possessing mere wealth, zero points for being middle class, and minus 5 points for being poor. Bonus point for each item of designer clothing that you own or for accessories such as handbags that cost more than a small used car. Minus 5 points for purchasing your wardrobe at Wal-Mart. Give yourself 2 points if you shop at a funky vintage shop, minus 2 points if you buy your underwear at a thrift store. Some things should never be secondhand.
    Cool: Award yourself up to 10 points for exotic factors such as being from a cool place (large city, anywhere in Europe or Hollywood), knowing famous people, having a good car, being in a band (but not the band—wearing a uniform that makes you look like a hotel bellman is never cool), or demonstrating artistic ability.
  4. "I bit my lip and decided to be honest. Sort of." Nightshade pg. 234
  5. "'Do you love him?' His eyes searched mine. 'Don't ask me that,' I said, lips still burning from my confession to shay, now stinging with this deceit. 'This isn't about love. It's about survival.' 'No, Calla.' His voice became hushed. 'This is only about love.' And then he was kissing me. His lips moved over mine in a shlow caress, hands running over my body, every touch begging me to stay. I could tell he believed he would never kiss me again. Part of me wanted to linger, cling to him, knowing all the ways we were ment for each other, how well we fit. But another part tugged me away. already running through the forest, chasing after a fate unknown. fI choked back a sob when Ren released me and turned away." Nightshade pg. 430

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