Friday, November 11, 2011


So it's our last post of the semester. I didn't think I would be as sad as I am. It kind of shows the ending of a great semester. The ending of Etymology, the greatest class I've ever taken. This is, by far, my favorite class of my high school career.

Where and when did you find yourself sitting down to read? Do you tend
to read with music on, or in silence? By the computer? Did you find yourself
checking your phone a lot, or do you ever lose yourself in the reading? Do
you ever talk about the books you read with your family or friends or teachers?

This semester I read almost every day. I would find myself thinking about my books when I was eating, in the shower, grocery shopping with my mom, in class, and even in church. I would read mostly in my bed covered up with the fan on low so I could have some noise, but not a loud obnoxious noise. In my basement, we have a door that leads outside with hills on both sides. Down there we have a built in swing to the overhang. Sometimes when I want to read and need a different place to go, I'll go down there. I have three siblings and a mom and dad living in one house, I need multiple hiding spots to go to get some alone time with my books. If I really liked the book, my phone would be on my bed or in the swing or by me somewhere, just in case I needed it or someone really needed to get ahold of me, but I would rarely check it. Now if the book was "boring" or I just didn't feel it, yes I checked my phone a lot. I really do find myself lost in a book. I can't describe it. It's like I'm there. I'm the main character, whether it is good or bad, I'm there and I can see everything. I will admit that I fell asleep reading a lot this semester. But when I would fall asleep something amazing would happen. I would really live out the book in my dreams. Like I was reading "Chain Reaction" on Friday November 4, 2011 and I fell asleep. Now this book was GOOD! but I had been up all day and I hadn't slept well the night before and I was just tired. In this book, it's about a guy who falls in love with a girl who doesn't want to be in love. He HAS to join a gang and she doesn’t' know and he hides it from her. It's a really good book! I loved it! So as I fell asleep I dreamt I was the girl in this story. I was Nikki and I could figure out what to do. It's like I had control over every detail of the story and I loved it! And when I did this, I talked to my mom and my best friends, Nicole DeCriscio and Allie Laspas, and of course they all said I was crazy but it was awesome! I do talk about my books to my parents, my friends, Mrs. Detter, Mrs., Lembke, random family members, and random people I see in the library who now probably think I'm some crazy. :) But I wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you enjoyed the course, T. The good thing about Etymology is that it's a class you can take with you . .
