Monday, August 29, 2011

What would you do?

     If you and your significant other could not be together what would you do? If you had to hide that you loved them, what would you do? If the only way to see them was to act like you were dating someone else, would you do it? And if the roles were reversed, what would you do? Would you let him/her pretend to date someone else and risk them having feelings for that other person, or would you absolutely forbid it? If this changes anything, what would you do if that other person happened to be a person who they had feelings for? One that they semi dated for awhile? If that other person clearly had feelings for your boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do?
     I can tell you now, I don't know what I would do. I don't know if I could pretend to date someone, without having feelings for them, especially him being a ex boyfriend of mine. I guess I would have to trust him and just know that it would all turn out okay. Now it being an ex girlfriend of his, I don't know. I wouldn't like it but I would put up with it just so that I could see him.
     In the book I'm reading, the girl goes to Evernight Academy, a boarding school where you only get to leave school grounds once a month unless you get special permission. The boy was kicked out and is not allowed back on campus. So the only way for her to see him is the one time a month visits....OR pretending to date her sort of ex boyfriend. It got me thinking, what would I do? What would my boyfriend do? Would he act like Lucas, her boyfriend? On page 182-183 Lucas and Bianca, the major character of the story,  go away from Balthazar, her sort of ex boyfriend, to decided if her pretending is a good idea.
     "'So how is he helping you leave Evernight? Does Balthazar know a secret passage-
way out of there or something?'
     Now we'd come to the tricky part. 'Well, actually, he's older and pretty responsible,
 and we've made it sound like he's teaching me about being a vampire, so my parents
and Mrs. Bethany let him do it.' I took a deep breath and plowed ahead:  'We've sort
of convinced them that we're dating.'
     Silence. Lucas stared at me, his eyes wary.
     'We're not dating. Completely not together. You understand, right? Because I
definitely do, and he does, too.' At least, I hoped Balthazar understood that.
     'Yeah, I get it.' Lucas didn't sound convinced. 'But he's always had his eye on you.
I remember how he was the night of  the Autumn Ball. Possessive. Real possessive.'
     'He actually was my date for the Autumn Ball, remember? Because you lost
your temper in Riverton and freaked me out?'
     'My whole life, I've settled things with my fists, Bianca. When you're hunting
 vampires, that's the best way to stay alive.'
     I stepped closer to Lucas, so close I could smell the scent of his skin. 'I understand that. So please try to understand this. It's the only way we could think of.'
     He took a ragged breath. 'I don't mean to overreact. I swear. I'm sorry Bianca. It's just-I miss you so bad, and we never get any other chance to talk about all this stuff, and the last thing I expected to hear tonight was that some other guy gets to spend lots of time with you when I don't'"
    Now if you ask me, that was a pretty good response. He didn't flip like I suspected him to. I don't know how this will turn out. She seems to love him and there is a saying that says "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." And I know for certain that is correct but if you throw in an ex boyfriend into the old saying, what will happen? Will she turn back into Balthazar? Or will she run to Lucas? What would you do?

Personality Test


 Introverted 33%
 Sensing 25%
 Feeling 50%
 Perceiving 11%

 You are:
  • moderately expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed sensing personality 
  • moderately expressed feeling personality 
  • slightly expressed perceiving personality
I had no idea what Introverted meant so I went and looked it up. So if this helps then that's great!!!

1. a shy person.
2. Psychology . a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings ( opposed to extrovert).

Friday, August 26, 2011


Evernight Claudia Gray
Evernight Book 1 by Claudia Gray

Deadly Little Secrets Laurie Faria Stolarz
Pages this week: 300 pages

Favorite quotes:
1. "How big a loser do you have to be to coast into high school popularity on your parents? Still, I couldn't afford to turn my nose up at any acceptance I won, no matter what the reasons were." Evernight pg. 50

2. "The cliques had formed within a day, and I was caught exactlly in the middle." Evernight pg. 52

3. "That was then, this is now." Evernight pg. 57

4. "News flash: that's high school" Evernight pg. 177

5. "'Divorce?' Despite myself, I laughed. Only Vic could call the aftermath of a bad first date a divorce." Evernight pg. 106

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Shocker Moment

Have you ever been reading a book and you think you know what is going to happen next and you think you have it all figured out, then out of the blue the author throws a curve ball at you and it's nothing close to what you thought was going to happen? Or you kind of know what is going to happen, but when it happens your still stunned? Well that happened today when I was reading "Evernight". I was reading along, and it was a good book but I had read better, and then all of a sudden BAM, everything changed! The book became ten times more interesting and I loved it and couldn't put it down. Through the half of the third period on, I ended up reading about fifty more pages and once the bell rang, I ran to my next class to read it again.
At around page 139, yes almost a third of the way through the book, it was like everything changed, I had a "shocker moment". The author proved what everyone was telling me right. For some reason I didn't believe that "It was better than "twilight" or "It was the best series I had ever read". When I read this, I went silent, which is a big deal for me I might add. I was in my third period class, which is a assistant ship in the imc, and I gasped and put my hand to my mouth and just set there. The librarian said "What? Are you okay? Taylor?!" I eventually found my voice and said "Yes." and proceeded to tell her the reason of the shock. Once I started talk to her, it was like a whole new world was opened up. We could talk about our past "shocker moments". I love that feeling of the shock and the way once you experience it, you can talk to other book lovers and they will more than likely say "Oh yeah! I've had that done before!" and you can have a long in depth conversation with that person about how wonderful reading is. I have figured out, the books who give you that "shocker moment" turn out the be the best.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I am reading another series. This one is called "Evernight." It's good so far, but I'm only 50 pages into it. It's about this girl, Bianca, who moves to Evernight Academy. On her first morning there she meets Lucas. Not knowing who this stranger is in the woods, Bianca runs away from Lucas. He thinks she's being attacked by someone, which to me kind of raises up a red flag. Why would she be in trouble? Does he know something?! Well on the official first day of school she sees him in the halls and tries to catch up to him. When she finally does, he acts like he doesn't really know her.
Her parents are two teacher's at the school. Her mom is her first period teacher. She is very popular with Bianca's peer's right off the bat. So of course, Bianca starts to get new friends. She's not complaining either. She is very shy and very quiet and likes to keep to herself. So people coming up to her is amazing! She loves it! She doesn't have to do the work of getting up the courage to talk to someone. But while she is in her mother's class, she meets this guy Balthazar More. Well he is "a guy who can actually carry off the name 'Balthazar' without being mocked for all time. Oh him, it looked good. He seemed confident about anything my mother might throw at him but not in an annoying way like most of the guys in the room. Just confident"

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Deadly Little Games

So I just got done reading "Deadly Little Games." The third in the Deadly Little Secrets series. It is an AMAZING series. If you like mystery and romance, this is the book for you. It is about a girl, Camelia, who meets boy names Ben. He has a special ability. When he touches things, he can sense different things about it. Well Camela starts to get very weird messages and thinks she is being stalked. Her and Ben start to grow closer while trying to find out who is stalking her. It is an amazing series!!