Friday, August 26, 2011


Evernight Claudia Gray
Evernight Book 1 by Claudia Gray

Deadly Little Secrets Laurie Faria Stolarz
Pages this week: 300 pages

Favorite quotes:
1. "How big a loser do you have to be to coast into high school popularity on your parents? Still, I couldn't afford to turn my nose up at any acceptance I won, no matter what the reasons were." Evernight pg. 50

2. "The cliques had formed within a day, and I was caught exactlly in the middle." Evernight pg. 52

3. "That was then, this is now." Evernight pg. 57

4. "News flash: that's high school" Evernight pg. 177

5. "'Divorce?' Despite myself, I laughed. Only Vic could call the aftermath of a bad first date a divorce." Evernight pg. 106

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