Thursday, August 25, 2011

Shocker Moment

Have you ever been reading a book and you think you know what is going to happen next and you think you have it all figured out, then out of the blue the author throws a curve ball at you and it's nothing close to what you thought was going to happen? Or you kind of know what is going to happen, but when it happens your still stunned? Well that happened today when I was reading "Evernight". I was reading along, and it was a good book but I had read better, and then all of a sudden BAM, everything changed! The book became ten times more interesting and I loved it and couldn't put it down. Through the half of the third period on, I ended up reading about fifty more pages and once the bell rang, I ran to my next class to read it again.
At around page 139, yes almost a third of the way through the book, it was like everything changed, I had a "shocker moment". The author proved what everyone was telling me right. For some reason I didn't believe that "It was better than "twilight" or "It was the best series I had ever read". When I read this, I went silent, which is a big deal for me I might add. I was in my third period class, which is a assistant ship in the imc, and I gasped and put my hand to my mouth and just set there. The librarian said "What? Are you okay? Taylor?!" I eventually found my voice and said "Yes." and proceeded to tell her the reason of the shock. Once I started talk to her, it was like a whole new world was opened up. We could talk about our past "shocker moments". I love that feeling of the shock and the way once you experience it, you can talk to other book lovers and they will more than likely say "Oh yeah! I've had that done before!" and you can have a long in depth conversation with that person about how wonderful reading is. I have figured out, the books who give you that "shocker moment" turn out the be the best.

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