Monday, October 24, 2011

New Books!!!!

This weekend I went on a mother daughter trip with, of course, mommy, Aunt Barb and her daughter Alishia, Aunt Etta and her daughter Charity, Aunt Pam and her daughter Misty. We were crammed into a small mini-van with a family sized tent, a cot, five suitcases, 13 pillows, four blankets, five sleeping bags, two air mattresses, a cooler, and six rickers pops. It was crammed. So when we got there we went to flea markets and rummaging and the one thing I wanted to get was BOOKS! I was kind of depressed when on the first day all I got was maybe four books, a shirt, a pair of sweats, a matching hoodie, and a necklace for my brother's girlfriend. The next day I decided all I was going to get was books! So I started looking at this place called "Ole Time Flea Market' and I ended up getting another four or so books. It was AMAZING! I loved it! So all together I got eight books. Well I decided to start reading them right away but every time I start reading something happens to take my mind off of what I am reading. On Saturday right before I started reading I decided to get a chocolate shake. Well I'm waiting for her to make it and there is an accident about 75 to 100 yards away so I go to help. That kind of ruined the book reading mood. Then on Wednesday, I got home and was going to read only to find out that my mom had to rush to Atlanta, Georgia because my cousin Steven was having a quadruple bypass surgery on his heart. So for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I was babysitting my little sisters trying to get them to behave (that's hard to do!!!!). Then Saturday I babysat two sisters down the road from six a.m. to about ten-thirty a.m. So I was busy trying to catch up on sleep then I had to drive an hour and a half away to get to my dad's so I got NO READING DONE :( I was soooo sad! So this week I told my mom that I am reading. That's it! All I'm doing is reading!!! She said oooookay...?? She thought I was kind of crazy haha but she loves me. So I have like 9 books hanging out in my room waiting for me to read and what do I do?? I check out four more books from the IMC and start reading those!! What was I thinking?!?!

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