Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Marked by Passion

Pages read this week: 361 pages

Pages all together: 2596 pages

My favorite quotes from the quarter:

1. "Vic stared at us. 'Wait are you guys freaking out about the whole vampire thing?" I like this because it is just a go with the flow kind of attitude that Vic has.

2. "During gym, I get hit in the head with a volley ball and he teacher lets me sit out of class. It's not like I was doing anything other than standing there staring at the net anyway. I prefer to think of it as multi-tasking since I was deep in thought, trying to remember some of my childhood wishes and playing volleyball, even if I wasn't actually hitting the ball with anything but my head." I like this because it totally works for me. I would be the one to get hit with a volleyball. 

3. "That was then, this is now." I like this one because it is like live in the moment. Don't harp on the past. The past is the past for a reason.

4. "The cliques had formed within a day, and I was caught exactly in the middle. " I liked this one because it's totally me. I've never been popular but I'm not a total weirdo.

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