Monday, October 24, 2011

Vampire Boys

I am reading this series right now that is "A Sookie Stackhouse Novel." It's pretty that I got into it. The one thing I don't like about it is that she is dating Bill. She loves Bill. Then Bill cheats on her. He says he loves her and would never hurt her and never leave her, THEN HE DOES THIS?! He will be all lovey dovey one minute then he will be all jealous and don't touch me. It's worse than a girls PMS!! SO she FINALLY dumped him and decided to rid herself of any type of vampires or supernatural beings. Yeah that didn't last long. She finds a unknown (I really do know who it is but if I told you, that would ruin everything.) vampire and decided to take him in. He doesn't remember ANYTHING!!! So she has to take care of him because she is just that type of person. This vampire on the other hand really isn't one way then another then one way again. I like him more than I like the other!!! Why do people have to do that? It gets really annoying! Why would someone want to hang around you if your all mood swingy all the time?? I know I wouldn't want to. But anyway, she starts to see that with this new vampire she can be herself and not have to worry about what mood he's going to be in today. She can just do her own thing. Now knowing me, I am a hopeless romantic, and so of course this has romance in it but it's also a mystery/murder (DUHHH! of course there is murder!! Vampires!) In this book though, one bite can last longer the older you get. It's a good serious, I recommend it.

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