Friday, September 30, 2011


Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris (pg. 75- 320

Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris (pg. 1-76)

Pages read this week: 321 pages
Pages all together read: 2235 pages

My favorite Lines:
1.“I knew, as sure as I knew my name, that tomorrow he would send me another coat, in a big fancy box, with a big bow on it. It would be the right size, it would be a top brand, and it would be warm.
It was cranberry red, with a removable liner, a detachable hood, and tortoiseshell buttons.” Dead to the World

2."'She loves you as much as you love her,' I said, and he let go of my arm. I continued on my what to Sid Matt's table. When I glanced back at him,  he was staring at me. Chew on that, Andy Bellefleur, I thought. Then I felt a little ashamed of myself. But he shouldn't have asked, if he didn't want to know the answer."  Definitely Dead pg. 40

3. "I was draped over the arm of one of the most beautiful men I'd ever seen, and he was staring into my eyes.....Al Chamberland was snapping away as Claude smoldered down at me. I did my best to smolder right back. My personal life had been, shall we say, barren for the past few weeks, so I was all to ready to smolder....I looked great, though I didn't look like Sookie Stackhouse. If Claude hadn't been gay,he might have been impressed, too...If your in the know supernaturally, you'll spot the ear surgery, and you'll know that Claude is a fairy. I'm not using the pejorative term for his sexual orientation. I mean it literally; Claude's a fairy." Definitely Dead pgs. 1-3

4. "'Is he the responsible party?' I didn't know if she was talking about the bill for her services, or the pregnancy, Either way, I told her that Jason definitely was the responsible party."

The Art of Annoying Alarm Clocks

Every morning starting from anywhere around 4:30 a.m. to about 5:30 a.m. my wonderful dad's alarm clock goes off. And it isn't one of the cool ones who gets gradually louder. NOOOO! This one is just annoying. It's the regular "Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. BEEEEEP!" And he'll let it go off for roughly ten to twenty minutes at a time then it "snoozes" for another ten minutes and it repeats this AMAZING thing all over again till my dad decides at 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. that he wants to get up to go to work. Now I stayed up till 12:30 a.m. to catch up in my poem book and to only get 5 hours of sleep and still be this happy and awake is rare!!! That's all for now!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Favorite Quotes :)

Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.   - William Shakespeare -

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.  - Sophocles -

You don't marry someone you can live with, you marry the person who you cannot live without. - Author Unknown -

What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate. - The Bible : Mark 10:9 -

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. - The Bible : 1 Corinthians 13:4 -

The reason I picked these quotes was because again they were romantic ones and they have truth in them. They all say is something the Beatles got right on the dot. All you need is love.

A Special World

A Special World
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

- Sheelagh Lennon -

The reason I really like this poem is because 1. I am a major fan of romantic, cute, sweet stuff and 2. it is real and it shows how it should be. It says in the first stanza that "A special bond one cannot see." That's how it should be. Between two people and sweet and special. A bond no one can break. No one can come between and no one can tear it apart. "Like silken thread" this implys that the thread is tough. Silken thread was "one of several types of cloth that a tailor can use to make different types of armor." The last stanza says that if it does break, "A new one forms in its wake." This is just a beautiful poem. What are your thoughts on it?

My Observation Guide Links

The Art of the First Kiss

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

A Cinderella Story
(It starts at 4:45 minutes!)


Friday, September 23, 2011


Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris (pg. 133- 290)

Living Dead in Dallas by Charlain Harris (pg. 1-290)

Club Dead by Charlaine Harris (pg. 1-200)

Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris (pg. 1- 75)

Total Pages this Week: 755 pages
Total pages all together: 1914 pages

My all time favorite quotes:
1. "News flash:that's high school." From week 1. The reason I picked this particular quote is because it sums high school up very simply. It has a little bit of attitude, it gives a little bit of everything. The "News flash..." it like well DUHHH! and the attitude hits you in the face. The "...that's high school" just sums up everything. Any one in high school or has been in high school, they know exactly what that statment is.

2. "I am so mad at Nicole right now. She should have arrived at least two hours ago, but there's no sign of her. I flip open my phone and send her another text, what must be the twentieth one tonight: Please tell me timmy fell down the well and you're busy rescuing him. Five minutes ago, I sent: Did the birds eat your trail of bread crumbs and now you're lost in the woods? Ten minutes before that, I sent: If you're late because Shia LeBeouf decided to join your dinner, I expect pictorial proof. " From Week 3. The reason I picked this one is because it is so me and my friend. Her name is even Nicole!! She would never (i hope) ditch me for a guy, even though we have done it a few times to eachother. I would defintily text her and say the exact same thing. This is my life right here in this quote: hurt, sarcasm, funny.

3. Last by DEFINTLY not least: "How big a loser do you have to be to coast into high school popularity on your parents? Still, I couldn't afford to turn my nose up at any acceptance I won, no matter what the reasons were." From Week 1. The reason I happened to pick this quote was because, just like the last one, this is my life. I was a LOSER!! in middle school so I rode into high school, my brother was a senior at the time, on his popularity. All the seniors knew I was "Adam Kennedy's little sister!" All his friends would come up and hug me and say "Have your brother have another bonfire!! Your house is so much fun!!!" (and yes, while typing this I was talking in a low male voice.) So I decided I'll use my brother's popularity if I had to, and I did...well with that class. Now I'm a loser again!! haha

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Best Claims Award

1. Proenza Schouler's somber color scheme, seductive shape, and aggravated music choice, conveys a creepy and polished look for their fall 2010 collection. By To Kill A Mockingjay.

2. The use of motivational and inspiring words with the combination of the brotherhood seen in the images of the football game help to infer a sense of dedication and commitment that can only truly be seen on the football field. By I think therefore I am.

3. In Todrick Hall's "I Wanna Be On Glee," Hall's plea to Glee creator Ryan Murphy shows Hall's inventiveness and artistic talents through the music video's cleverly pariodistic lyrics, assertive instrumentals, and effervescent choreography. By ZENGERINE.

4. The painting's gritty texture, balanced use of space, selective use of colour, and dark tone leave the viewer a sense of depressing realization leading to a climactic finish. By JimmehFTW.

5. This refreshingly bright photograph taken in the environmental center reflects an existence of both dreamlike tranquility and effortless freedom. By Look Up...(Now!).

My Favorite ones would probably (in this order)
2. Zengerine's because it is different but still gets to the point. It follows the pattern that we did in class but it didn't exactly follow it to a T. Some of the others that I saw were great!, but they were very very similar to the one we did in class.

And my all time favorite is...(drum roll!!)
1. I think therefore I am's claim! It was the best that I saw. It was smooth and different but it was written like they spent time one it and actually tried to get it to sound right and to flow. Put that in a paper, and your sure to get an A.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Claim

So for my claim I did Summer Nights off the movie Grease.

  • Sound- Melodic, Alive,
  • Setting- Crazy, Difficult, Large
  • Facial Expressions- Open, Excited, Gleaming
  • Clothing- Clean, Famous, loose
  • Animated
  • Cheerful
  • Ecstatic
  • Energetic
  • Excited
  • Intimate
  • Joyful
  • Loving
  • Playful
  • Romantic
The Final Claim-

     In this scene from Grease, the director's melodic sound, crazy setting, open facial expression, and clean clothing expresses a sense of intimate playfulness, romantic energy, and loving animation.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Updates :)

So I'm reading Dead Until Dark and I like it, but it is confusing! She likes him, but she don't. She treats him amazingly and then when something happens and it's not even his fault she freaks out on him and does something crazy and doesn't talk to him. I just don't get it. It's like high school all over again. She is a twenty-five year old cocktail waitress. And he is a vampire that fought in the civil war. You would think that they would be past all of this. So it's good and cute but I'm so confused. She can read minds. But she can't read Bill's or any other vampire, or her boss, who apparently has had feelings for her for a couple years, Sam. She wants to be with Bill, which is all good, but then Sam comes along and she gets all confused. She doesn't go on dates because she doesn't want to hear all the things her date is saying about her, or other women for that fact). She really doesn't get to close to guys. So when Bill comes along and she can't hear his thoughts, she gets all excited and wants to be with him, but then his friends do something and she doesn't talk to him. Then her grandma dies and she is all "Oh, Bill. I need you!!!!" Then something happens and she is off again. I don't know if I can keep up with her. It's like I don't want to read it because it is confusing and a little...weird...and then again, I have to find out what happens. It's good but then again it's like nooope. I am so on the fence about it. But of course, I'm going to have to finish it!! I was talking to the girl who recommended it and she said she was having the same feelings about the book as I was. She liked it but she didn't know if she could finish it but then again she had to! I was talking to her and she said that you like the characters, then you don't like them, then you like them again, then they leave and someone comes in and decides to take his/her place. I can't stand a book like that!! It drives me nuts, but I'm already there so it's alllll good!


You Wish by Mandy Hubbard (pages 93-280)

Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris (pgs. 1-133)
Divergant by Vironica Roth (pgs. 1-22)

Pants on Fire by Meg Cabot (pgs. 1-20)

Pages this week: 402 pages
Pages all together: 1559 pages

Favorite lines:
1. "I'd been waiting for the vampire for years when he walked into the bar." Dead Until Dark pg. 1
2. "I'm going to miss that doll." You Wish
3. "'Hel-lo,' she said. For somer reason, she always sounded put out, as if a phone call were the last thing on earth she wanted. I know for a fact that wasn't the case." Dead Until Dark pg. 37
4. (Bill, the vampire, is drinking blood at a bar.) "Bill took the top off the bottle with one finger and took a sip. I tried not to look, failed. Of course he saw my face, and he shook his head. "This is reality, Sookie,' he said. 'I need it to live.' There were red stains between his teeth. 'OF course.' I said, tryin to march the matter-of-fact tone of the bartender." Dead Until Dark pg. 103

So you may be wondering why I always choose from one book, well mostly. Well the reason I do that is because I keep one book with me, maybe two. But I can't remember all the funny lines from the other books so I keep one with me and use that one.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Which book to read....

So I started a book and it was moving really slow but it was good! I really liked it....until the fourth or fifth book came out in the series that I absolutely LOVE! And so I started that one...until a girl I know told me about a vampire book that was really good. So I started that one. They were all really good but I don't know which one to read. The one I'm reading right now is called Dead Until Dark, is really good but is like a 8 or 9 book series. The other two are not related at all and are only one book (either left or just plain one book). I don't know which one to start or which one to just read it and then, once I'm done with that one, which do I go to now?!?! So confusing! The story of my life. So I think I'm going to finish the series and then move onto the other ones...we will see how this works because I only have them until I think the beginning of October..and I know I can't read ten or eleven books in less than a month..we will see how this But I think I can renew them, hopefully none of them are on hold!!!


I just spent about 20 minutes trying to get to my blog!!! I couldn't remember what the URL was so I was trying different URLs and and I never found I went to google :) I love google!!! It's great! and I was confused! and I found the second Breaking Dawn trailer! and I loved it!!! Ohhhh this is so random... :) night

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hourglass by Claudia Gray (pages 272 to 339)

Afterlife by Claudia Gray (pages 1 to 59)

Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright (pages 1to 22)
You Wish by Mandy Hubbard (pages 1 to 92
Pages I read this week: 237 pages (not as good as the last ones =( )

Pages I've read all together: 1157 pages (ehhh could be better)

Favorite lines:
1. "During gym, I get hit in the head with a volley ball and he teacher lets me sit out of class. It's not like I was doing anything other than standing there staring at the net anyway. I prefer to think of it as multi-tasking since I was deep in thought, trying to remember some of my childhood wishes and playing volleyball, even if I wasn't actually hitting the ball with anything but my head." You Wish pg. 83
2. "'Gumballs. And a pony.' I jerk upright. 'Uh-oh.'" You Wish pg. 81
3. "If she abandons me on my birthday, just about anything could be fair game, right?" You Wish pg. 42
4. "I am so mad at Nicole right now. She should have arrived at least two hours ago, but there's no sign of her.
I flip open my phone and send her another text, what must be the twentieth one tonight:
Please tell me Timmy fell down the well and you're busy rescuing him.
Five minutes ago, I sent: Did the birds eat your trail of bread crumbs and now you're lost in the woods?
Ten minutes before that, I sent: If you're late because Shia LeBeouf decided to join you guys for dinner, I expect pictorial proof." You Wish pg. 30


I've been reading this AMAZING series called "Evernight." I loved it....until I got to the end of the third book. I was reading along and I was loving it, confused, but loving it nonetheless. Then..BAM...nope done. It turned around and did the worst thing it could possibly do to it's reader. It took the path that NOBODY wanted. It's cute and nice and sweet and then it turns horrible in one small page. I don't want to give anything away for potential "Evernight" readers so if your planning on reading this skip down until I say "OKAY!!!!" just like that. So the book is good. She ran away with the love of her life and all is well, until she gets her first job. She starts to get sick and she doesn't feel well. Her stomach hurts, she don't feel like eating (blood or regular food) and she is fainting. Well her boyfriend thinks she might be pregnant but she says no no no that's not it. But she knows something is wrong. As it gets closer to her final days, her boyfriend says here, just drink my blood, all of it. She of course doesn't because he then will turn into a vampire and he doesn't want that. So she doesn't and eventually dies. Yes, dies like "goodbye," "sayonara," "adios," "arrivederci," "再见," "afscheid," "revoir," "Lebewohl," "αντίο," "beannacht," "さようなら," "작별 인사," "vale," "sudie," "збогум," "pożegnanie," "adeus," "до свидания," "adjö," "ลา," "güle güle," "tạm biệt," and the ever lovely "hwyl fawr." So take your pick from which language you want. There is 23 different languages and they all mean "goodbye." Going on. She dies and I was SOOOO upset. I refused to finish the book until I finally had to find out what happened. She turns into a "wraith" which is basically a ghost. For awhile her boyfriend and best friend/ex boyfriend can not see her. Which really stinks. Finally she finds out a way to become visible again. She is basically alive again, but only on short time frames and only when she is wearing something that was once alive.

 I still haven't decided if I am going to finish "Afterlife." I want to but I don't want to be disappointed again like I was in "Hourglass" (the third book of the series).Everyone says I should but I don't know. What do you guys think?

How do you deal?

This week I went through a reading block. I firmly believe that if writers can have writing block, then readers can have reader block. For those of you who have not experienced the amazing (sarcastic) thing of readers block, to me it is when every book you pick up, your not interested in. I started to read a book called "Red Riding Hood" at the beginning of this week. I ended up twenty some pages into it and lost interest. Then I started "Afterlife" and I lost interest in it, but that's for a whole other post! Then I started the first book of the Morganville Vampires books. Got about ten pages in, saw something shiny and could not start it back up again.
I liked the sound of all these books. They all had something to do with romance, most were a mysterious kind of book, and all were supernatural. But once I started them, it was like something better came along and I could not handle finishing the book.
"Red Riding Hood" on the back says, "The blacksmith would marry her. The wood cutter would run away with her. The werewolf would turn her into one of its own." Yeah, amazing right?! To me the writing seemed a little...old? I know. I know. Mr. Hill always says "Push through the boredom! It'll get better." But I kept thinking "Wow! When will the boredom end?! Will I ever get 'hooked'? Or will I just read and read and read and eventually just be done with the book and not remember a thing?" So I eventually moved onto a new book (yeah, surprising, huh?!) and this one is actually pretty good!! It's called "You Wish." It's about this girl who has a sweet sixteenth birthday party and wishes "I wish my birthday wishes actually came true. Because they never freakin' do." Well to her utter surprise, they start coming true. To throw a twist in there, she has been in love with Ben for three years now and hasn't told anyone about her love for him. Three months ago her best friend started dating him. On her fifteenth birthday she wished "I wish  Ben would kiss me." She has to stop the wishes before it's to late and her fifteenth wish comes true. It's good so far. I'll keep you posted (pun intended!!!) :)

Friday, September 2, 2011


Evernight by Claudia Gray pages 271 to 329

Stargazer by Claudia Gray pages 3 to 329

Hourglass by Claudia Gray pages 3 to 272 and counting

Pages I read this week: 652 pages

All together the pages I read: 920 (a lot more than I thought I read =/ )

Favorite quotes:
1. "That day passed in a haze for me. I drifted in and out of sleep-at least, somethimse it was sleep. Sometimes it was unconsciousness. I couldn't tell the apart any longer." Hourglass pg. 272

2. "Vic stared at us. 'Wait are you guys freaking out about the whole vampire thing?'" Hourglass pg. 186

3. "'You saved my life, Lucas,' Balthazar said. 'I guess that I owe you one.'
      Shaking his head, Lucas replied, 'You don't have a life to save, buddy.'
      'You know what I mean.' Balthazar said" Hourglass pg. 170

4. "Lucas's eyes narrowed. 'From where I'm standing, this is a really bad time, period.'"