Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hourglass by Claudia Gray (pages 272 to 339)

Afterlife by Claudia Gray (pages 1 to 59)

Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright (pages 1to 22)
You Wish by Mandy Hubbard (pages 1 to 92
Pages I read this week: 237 pages (not as good as the last ones =( )

Pages I've read all together: 1157 pages (ehhh could be better)

Favorite lines:
1. "During gym, I get hit in the head with a volley ball and he teacher lets me sit out of class. It's not like I was doing anything other than standing there staring at the net anyway. I prefer to think of it as multi-tasking since I was deep in thought, trying to remember some of my childhood wishes and playing volleyball, even if I wasn't actually hitting the ball with anything but my head." You Wish pg. 83
2. "'Gumballs. And a pony.' I jerk upright. 'Uh-oh.'" You Wish pg. 81
3. "If she abandons me on my birthday, just about anything could be fair game, right?" You Wish pg. 42
4. "I am so mad at Nicole right now. She should have arrived at least two hours ago, but there's no sign of her.
I flip open my phone and send her another text, what must be the twentieth one tonight:
Please tell me Timmy fell down the well and you're busy rescuing him.
Five minutes ago, I sent: Did the birds eat your trail of bread crumbs and now you're lost in the woods?
Ten minutes before that, I sent: If you're late because Shia LeBeouf decided to join you guys for dinner, I expect pictorial proof." You Wish pg. 30

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