Friday, September 16, 2011

Updates :)

So I'm reading Dead Until Dark and I like it, but it is confusing! She likes him, but she don't. She treats him amazingly and then when something happens and it's not even his fault she freaks out on him and does something crazy and doesn't talk to him. I just don't get it. It's like high school all over again. She is a twenty-five year old cocktail waitress. And he is a vampire that fought in the civil war. You would think that they would be past all of this. So it's good and cute but I'm so confused. She can read minds. But she can't read Bill's or any other vampire, or her boss, who apparently has had feelings for her for a couple years, Sam. She wants to be with Bill, which is all good, but then Sam comes along and she gets all confused. She doesn't go on dates because she doesn't want to hear all the things her date is saying about her, or other women for that fact). She really doesn't get to close to guys. So when Bill comes along and she can't hear his thoughts, she gets all excited and wants to be with him, but then his friends do something and she doesn't talk to him. Then her grandma dies and she is all "Oh, Bill. I need you!!!!" Then something happens and she is off again. I don't know if I can keep up with her. It's like I don't want to read it because it is confusing and a little...weird...and then again, I have to find out what happens. It's good but then again it's like nooope. I am so on the fence about it. But of course, I'm going to have to finish it!! I was talking to the girl who recommended it and she said she was having the same feelings about the book as I was. She liked it but she didn't know if she could finish it but then again she had to! I was talking to her and she said that you like the characters, then you don't like them, then you like them again, then they leave and someone comes in and decides to take his/her place. I can't stand a book like that!! It drives me nuts, but I'm already there so it's alllll good!

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