Friday, September 2, 2011


Evernight by Claudia Gray pages 271 to 329

Stargazer by Claudia Gray pages 3 to 329

Hourglass by Claudia Gray pages 3 to 272 and counting

Pages I read this week: 652 pages

All together the pages I read: 920 (a lot more than I thought I read =/ )

Favorite quotes:
1. "That day passed in a haze for me. I drifted in and out of sleep-at least, somethimse it was sleep. Sometimes it was unconsciousness. I couldn't tell the apart any longer." Hourglass pg. 272

2. "Vic stared at us. 'Wait are you guys freaking out about the whole vampire thing?'" Hourglass pg. 186

3. "'You saved my life, Lucas,' Balthazar said. 'I guess that I owe you one.'
      Shaking his head, Lucas replied, 'You don't have a life to save, buddy.'
      'You know what I mean.' Balthazar said" Hourglass pg. 170

4. "Lucas's eyes narrowed. 'From where I'm standing, this is a really bad time, period.'"