Thursday, September 8, 2011

How do you deal?

This week I went through a reading block. I firmly believe that if writers can have writing block, then readers can have reader block. For those of you who have not experienced the amazing (sarcastic) thing of readers block, to me it is when every book you pick up, your not interested in. I started to read a book called "Red Riding Hood" at the beginning of this week. I ended up twenty some pages into it and lost interest. Then I started "Afterlife" and I lost interest in it, but that's for a whole other post! Then I started the first book of the Morganville Vampires books. Got about ten pages in, saw something shiny and could not start it back up again.
I liked the sound of all these books. They all had something to do with romance, most were a mysterious kind of book, and all were supernatural. But once I started them, it was like something better came along and I could not handle finishing the book.
"Red Riding Hood" on the back says, "The blacksmith would marry her. The wood cutter would run away with her. The werewolf would turn her into one of its own." Yeah, amazing right?! To me the writing seemed a little...old? I know. I know. Mr. Hill always says "Push through the boredom! It'll get better." But I kept thinking "Wow! When will the boredom end?! Will I ever get 'hooked'? Or will I just read and read and read and eventually just be done with the book and not remember a thing?" So I eventually moved onto a new book (yeah, surprising, huh?!) and this one is actually pretty good!! It's called "You Wish." It's about this girl who has a sweet sixteenth birthday party and wishes "I wish my birthday wishes actually came true. Because they never freakin' do." Well to her utter surprise, they start coming true. To throw a twist in there, she has been in love with Ben for three years now and hasn't told anyone about her love for him. Three months ago her best friend started dating him. On her fifteenth birthday she wished "I wish  Ben would kiss me." She has to stop the wishes before it's to late and her fifteenth wish comes true. It's good so far. I'll keep you posted (pun intended!!!) :)

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