Thursday, September 8, 2011


I've been reading this AMAZING series called "Evernight." I loved it....until I got to the end of the third book. I was reading along and I was loving it, confused, but loving it nonetheless. Then..BAM...nope done. It turned around and did the worst thing it could possibly do to it's reader. It took the path that NOBODY wanted. It's cute and nice and sweet and then it turns horrible in one small page. I don't want to give anything away for potential "Evernight" readers so if your planning on reading this skip down until I say "OKAY!!!!" just like that. So the book is good. She ran away with the love of her life and all is well, until she gets her first job. She starts to get sick and she doesn't feel well. Her stomach hurts, she don't feel like eating (blood or regular food) and she is fainting. Well her boyfriend thinks she might be pregnant but she says no no no that's not it. But she knows something is wrong. As it gets closer to her final days, her boyfriend says here, just drink my blood, all of it. She of course doesn't because he then will turn into a vampire and he doesn't want that. So she doesn't and eventually dies. Yes, dies like "goodbye," "sayonara," "adios," "arrivederci," "再见," "afscheid," "revoir," "Lebewohl," "αντίο," "beannacht," "さようなら," "작별 인사," "vale," "sudie," "збогум," "pożegnanie," "adeus," "до свидания," "adjö," "ลา," "güle güle," "tạm biệt," and the ever lovely "hwyl fawr." So take your pick from which language you want. There is 23 different languages and they all mean "goodbye." Going on. She dies and I was SOOOO upset. I refused to finish the book until I finally had to find out what happened. She turns into a "wraith" which is basically a ghost. For awhile her boyfriend and best friend/ex boyfriend can not see her. Which really stinks. Finally she finds out a way to become visible again. She is basically alive again, but only on short time frames and only when she is wearing something that was once alive.

 I still haven't decided if I am going to finish "Afterlife." I want to but I don't want to be disappointed again like I was in "Hourglass" (the third book of the series).Everyone says I should but I don't know. What do you guys think?

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